Fabric Softener Used to Restore Human Hair Wigs

CopyFrom: Author: DateTime:2019-03-16 Hits:12900

Learn to revive synthetic and human hair will save a lots of money,this means using certain types of products to restore it to its former glory, especially if it's an older one.After being worn a few months, hair wigs may lose their shape and style. Spruce up your favorite lace wig or lace closure with gentle washing techniques. It features either synthetic or human hair wig. Know which type you have to properly style it without damaging it.Reviving a lace wig means using certain types of products to restore it to its former glory, especially if it's an older one.

Revive a wig with help from a professional hairstylist, makeup artist, Sebastian-trained educator and instructor of hair and makeup in this free video clip.

old lace wig

Things Needed:Lubricant,Spray bottle,Liquid fabric softener,Water,Leave-in conditioner,Wig brush,Plastic basin,
Baby or wig shampoo,Towel,Sponge rollers.

1.Put the wig on stand,spray leave-in conditioner to human hair before brushing out tangles. A longer hairstyle may have significant matting at the back and shoulders, where the hair rubs your body. Squirt the underside of the hair with the lubricant before brushing out these areas. Mix your own lubricant in a spray bottle by combining one part liquid fabric softener with four parts of water.
Leave in conditioner

2.Check large tangles with your fingers, but do not pull out the hairs. Starting at the ends of the hair, brush out snarls working in small sections. Squirt the brush with lubricant or conditioner as needed.
a human hair wig

3.Fill a plastic basin with cool -- warm -- water. Add one cap full of baby or wig shampoo into the water. Submerge the wig into the soapy water and allow it to soak for 5 minutes to allow ground-in dirt to loosen. Shampoo the hair hands gently.
add shampoo to water

4.Drain the water and rinse the lace wig under fresh, cool water until the suds disappear completely.

5.Blot the human hair wig with a towel. Don't crush or force the water out, to avoid damage on the wig. Place it on a wig stand for drying. When the wig is damp, not wet, spray a leave-in conditioner on the ends of the human hair!

6.air dry human hair wig
Brush the hair with the wig brush once the hair has dried. Style a curly, synthetic lace front wig with sponge rollers. Never use hot curling irons or rollers on synthetic hair. It's better not to use heated appliances on human hair as well, human hair wig will become dry and may become frizzing.